Frequently Asked Questions
The staff of the Front Range Landfill have collected and answered a number of the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) in this section. If you have additional questions, please do not hesitate to submit them to us via email or call 303-673-9431.
Individuals and organizations who would like a tour of our facility are encouraged to contact us to schedule a tour.
Using the Landfill Other Questions

State Flower – Colorado Blue Columbine
Using the Landfill
Does my load have to be covered or tarped?
For safety and environmental reasons, it is critical to cover or tarp and secure all loads in such a manner that no debris can fly out or become airborne in anyway. Please respect the safety of everyone who lives in the areas en route to the landfill as well as fellow drivers and passengers who may follow you to the landfill. Per state regulations, all uncovered or unsecured loads will be charged double.
Who can bring trash to the Front Range Landfill?
The general public and haulers from any location can bring acceptable solid waste and recycling to the landfill.
Do I need to bring proof of residency to use the Front Range Landfill?
This is not required unless you are taking advantage of your town's free landfill drop-off day.
What methods of payment do you accept?
We accept American Express, Discover, MasterCard and Visa credit and debit cards.
Can we come to the landfill and salvage or pick through the trash?
For safety and legal reasons, picking or salvaging is not allowed at the landfill. All materials at the landfill are the property of the Front Range Landfill.
What are the costs at the landfill?
Under the Services section of our website we publish our prices.
What items do you accept or not accept?
To view a list of acceptable and unacceptable items, please visit the Materials section of our website.
I have large items I cannot bring to the landfill. Do you offer a pick-up service?
Non-hazardous Waste collection services are offered in various communities in the area by Waste Connections – Denver.
Other Questions
When did the landfill first open? When do you expect the landfill to be full?
The Front Range Landfill opened in 1996 and is expected to operate through 2051.
What happens to the landfill once it is filled?
The Front Range Landfill is responsible for properly closing and maintaining the completed landfill. There is a bond in place to ensure that there is proper funding available. Once the landfill is closed, it will be capped with several feet of soil and vegetation will be planted to stabilize the soil and provide an aesthetically pleasing landscape. The process of “capping” will occur in phases prior to the final completion of the landfill. Other maintenance items, such as landfill gas removal, will be operated and maintained long after the site closes.
Does the landfill attract birds?
Occasionally, seagulls and other bird species are visible around the landfill. The landfill utilizes a falconer to reduce bird populations at the landfill.